Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Post- Thanksgiving thoughts

Out of all of the holidays of the year, I think my favorite is Thanksgiving. Not because of any fabricated hype by the various stores trying to win my dollar or even the turkey or family. It is my favorite because out of all of the holidays it is still the most pure. It has not been tarnished so much by political correctness or commercialization. I re-emphasize "so much" because some are trying to ruin it.

The day before Thanksgiving, I was bored at work. The "Rocket Shop" was empty and all of the not-so-urgent paperwork that was sitting on my desk did not help my mood. Instead of real work, I decided to look at what REALLY happened on the first Thanksgiving, since most of the time in school we learned how to make paper indian headbands or paper turkeys with oddly colored feathers. What I learned... not much.

I did, however, come across an article written by George Washington recommending the people of the US to take a certain day off in November in 1789 to give thanks to God for all of the blessings that they had. I recommend you all to read it at Thanksgiving Article (remember, many of the "f"s are actually "s"s). I was shocked! If any American president today said anything near to what Pres. Washington said, he'd be lynched!

So, I celebrated this past Thanksgiving the way that Gen./Pres. Washington recommended. Honestly, it was one of my favorites ever. I think that I really did feel the spirit of Thanksgiving.

Of course, I have a lot to be thankful for. And I don't mean it cliche-y. I won't list any of them here, fearful to bore you, but I'll just say it again: I have a lot to be thankful for.

And, yes, it's a boy! <>


Blogger jethrojones said...

Hey Brandon - Thanks for add the Atom Feed so I can read your posts ASAP. Thanks, dude. Enjoy the boy, my wife is having another baby girl tomorrow, at 5:00 pm.

November 28, 2007 at 9:22 PM  

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